The future of CNG buses in Pakistan

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As I began to write this article, I would suggest that there is no future of CNG buses in Pakistan because natural gas cannot be used as a transportation but rather, its a fuel best for domestic and industrial use.

Although government is on a path towards finishing the CNG sector altogether from Pakistan, but we cannot be still sure whether or not government has realized their mistake for the introduction of CNG.

Nowadays, we are suffering from monopoly of CNG association and CNG strikes and load-shedding, due to which there is huge scarcity of CNG. In the midst of all this chaos, a thought is provoked about the future of CNG buses in Pakistan?

Despite the fact that on one hand, federal government is shamelessly trying to shut CNG sector down while on the other, provincial governments have been introducing CNG buses as viable transports to the public. Pakistan do lack a reliable public transport network, and CNG buses are not solution, metro train is that solution however;

CNG is a cheap fuel but it doesn’t means we have the luxury to ignore domestic industries and provide CNG to the transport sector. CNG buses can consume a large amount of fuel and this causes an imbalance in the flow of natural gas towards the domestic sector. It would be better if we use other hydrocarbons for fuel in automobiles such as methanol.

Brazil and United States are the largest producers of Ethanol fuel in the world, and amazingly, 92% of all new cars sales are flex vehicles, meaning they can be run on any fuel. Using Ethanol as an alternative fuel source is good because it produces lower emissions, yields higher performance, and has a lower risk of flammability than gasoline. It can also be manufactured from a wide variety of substances since we are an agricultural country, it can be self produced in large numbers.

Because the use of Ethanol creates better performance and acceleration. Ethanol buses can me introduced rather than CNG buses.

CNG is good for countries which have abundant natural gas resource. Not for countries with inconsistent policies or lesser reserves for production and a lack of intention towards exploration for gas fields.

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  1. Ahmad Saeed says

    I completely agree with writer that we should first give CNG to Industry, then any second party either its households, transport or cars…in India Natural Gas is ONLY for industries, even house holds have to use LPG.

  2. Afnan Aftab Motiwala says

    its all drama going on to bring lpg , other than that they should minimize use og gas where possible , the best thing is solar geyser other than that use of cng in cars should be banned , cng should be available only for public transport…

  3. Zaheer Ahmad Awan says

    Very good agree we should find some other cheap fuel resources other then CNG.

  4. Ali Salman says

    industries don't need gas. they need hydal power, wind mills and coal or nuclear power.
    we have the alternatives right infront of us. yet we ignore them and run after this truck ki batti CNG.

  5. Muhammed Ahmed Shoaib says

    While I agree with most of what you have written, I would beg to differ on your viewpoint regarding ethanol be used as a fuel source. That is because if you look at the past ten years of what this corn/crop based fuel has done to the world reserves and prices of food, you would realize that it is not a viable source of fuel. Keeping world practices aside and looking exclusively within the geographic boundaries of this country, we have recently come to know of vast quantities of untapped coal reserves numbering in the billions (tons). Now diesel is produced from coal, and coal also gives heat energy, for infrastructure building. If anything, an honest and sincere effort should be made by the government to look into the future possibility of using coal as a means to powering our economy. As it was used prior to the discovery of Saudi Arabian/Middle Eastern oil. I am fairly confident that if a sincere effort is taken in this endeavor, then we Pakistanis will live to see in our lifetime Pakistan leading the world in diesel based technology and governing the price of coal/oil and gas.

  6. Saad Waqar says

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  8. Muhammad Siddique says

    I totally not agreed with this article, we have very good natural gas resources, only problem is to manage the distribution system and to lay more pipe lines and compressors to have good gas pressure.
    imagine your country as your home, if you have all the resources and don't utilize them and go for purchase the thing you have in your home.
    Be faithful with your country and don't copy others they don't have the resources as you have.
    It's all CNG crises are to give benefit the oil companies nothing else.
    I am in E-11 Islamabad near Golra SHarif and not getting gas during whole winter season, regardless of CNG load shading and strike.
    May Allah gave us good leadership.

  9. Haris Mansoor says

    There is one serious problem, I have read few articles on Ethanol. I'm not an expert on the subject but what I understood about Ethanol is that its made from Food items like sugar cane etc. The price rise in Food items in Global market is direct result of production of Ethanol. We live in a country which produces surplus wheat one year and has to import it the next year. Where industrialists come politicians make billions by Sugar shortage, the Writer suggests to use Ethanol as fuel. Its like robbing the poor from their food. What if today this Govt says we are going to use Ethanol as fuel and investors invest in this business and after 10 years Pakistan is hit by food shortage so hard that they decide to close down the industry. The infrastructure to convert to another alternative fuel costs billions and will increase the import bills. Has anyone paid attention to What is happening to 3500 CNG stations in the Country. On average a small CNG station costs 20 Million with out the land cost. multiply 20 million with 3500(total number of CNGs) and then analyze the result yourself. The permanent way to get the country out of the power shortage is.

    1. Pak-Iran Pipeline(I personally think that our politicians do not have guts to oppose the americans, and Americans are totally against it and they will use every single resource to pressurize Pakistani Govt to stop doing it).
    2. Kala Bagh Dam (which unfortunately has been used as all nationalist parties to fool the uneducated people for their benefits. No one pays attention to the technical details and keeps barking against it.)

    If we as a nation can't complete these projects our entire future will be a complete darkness and our kids will hear stories saying once there was Electricity in Pakistan.

  10. Muhammed Naveed says

    this is all bullshit.a country that have enough amount of resources still waiting to be discovered, where industrial sector has stopped using elctricity and switched to natural gas, where no concept of anuual fittness check, which direction we r heading please stop crying and fix our self first. if we have less resources then the problem not how to distribute them the problem is what to find new.

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