Toyota Sales dropped by 19% In 2022

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Here, in our year-ending blog series, we will reveal the sales charts of Toyota Indus Motors. Month-on-month (MoM) and year-on-year (YoY) sales will help you to know the company’s annual sales and what economic sorcery has done with our local industry.

Here is the total sales of Toyota cars.

Total Sales

As per the sales charts, Toyota Indus Motor sold 37,588 units in 2022 compared to 48,320 vehicles in 2021. Meaning, company witnessed a slump of 19% this year (2022).

Toyota Corolla & Yaris Sales

Here, we will disclose monthly sales of country’s most loved Japanese cars – dubbed Toyota Corolla and Yaris. Reliability, aftersales and functionality marked them the best vehicles in the Pakistan.

Yaris – the company’s new entrant was launched in March 2020. After its inception, the car recorded no sale in April and the reason was COVID-19, but in May 2020, Toyota IMC posted it as a top seller. But prevailing fuss has reversed the fortunes this year.

Coming to the year-on-year sales of Corolla and Yaris, the company has recorded a combined drop of 26%, selling 37,588 units in 2022 against 51,374 vehicles sold last year.

Toyota Fortuner and Hilux Sales

Sales of Toyota Fortuner and Hilux are decreased by approximately 8% combined, and the credit goes to import curbs inflicted the by State Bank of Pakistan. And, as per recent reports Toyota IMC has completely closed its operations in Pakistan in the face of closed LCs.


We hope the given data will be helpful for ours readers to translate the current situation of our car industry.

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