Toyota to bring “Intel Inside” their cars

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According to Mobile Future, the third the connected car is the third-fastest growing technological device in the world, falling only behind of smart phones and tablets.

Toyota now has decided that it will join forces with Intel computers to make even better infotainment systems for its cars. Toyota is looking to get ahead of that trend by partnering with Intel on a joint research project designed to yield its next-generation of infotainment systems. Intel says that the company has been researching vehicle connectivity for years now, and that it hopes the new partnership with Toyota will produce more seamless smart phone integration.

Toyota aims to lead the future mobile world through integration of vehicle, home and information communication technologies as announced in the ‘Toyota Global Vision’ earlier this year,” said Kenichi Murata, project general manager, Electronics Development Div. 1, Toyota Motor Corporation. “Toyota, along with Intel, will use information technologies to drive innovations into the vehicle to make the vision a reality.

Moreover, Intel also said that the two corporations will not only work on current technology but they jointly research on ways to integrate vehicles with owners’ homes.

Well, as long as Pakistani auto-assemblers are run by a mafia, don’t expect your home’s gate to automatically open as you reach infront of it and the microwave starts heating your dinner as soon as your Corolla sends your current destination to be three-minutes away from home.

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