Unhappy Chinese owner of Maserati destroys his car in protest

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Destroying your vehicle in protest infront of the dealership is becoming popular amongst Chinese car owners, we remember a Range Rover who towed his SUV with a donkey and brought his car and a lot of ridicule to Range Rover. Sometime later, a Lamborghini Gallardo got fed up with the dealership and thought that destroying the car with hammers and other tools infront the dealership was a better idea than giving it them to repair it.

This time, it is a Maserati Quattroporte owner whose had it enough. The owner who is said to have a long time rift with the insurance company and the dealer over maintenance and repairs, brought three thugs to destroy the car.

The Maserati Quattroporte costs about 2.6 million Yuan which is equivalent to 423,000 USD was destroyed on May 14th, the same day when the local Qingdao International Auto Show was opening its doors, the destruction took place right infront of the exhibition hall for maximum coverage as journalists in large numbers had arrived there.

It all started when the dealer replaced a faulty part with not a new one but a refurbished part and charged 390 US $ which made the owner furious and a lot emails and calls were exchanged between them. The insurance company backed the dealer but the owner, known by his first name, Wang, thought out a better way to win out of this situation.


He prepared everything for the destruction, he informed all the journalists by phone, email, flyers, set up an account at Weibo (Chinese equivalent of Twitter), to get the most attention.

Consumer rights are a hot topic in China these days with many Chinese angry against the perceived arrogance of especially Western companies, the Chinese blogs and authors are saying if Maserati doesn’t do something really really fast, launch an investigation with the local authorities, things will really get bad for Maserati and its sister companies in China as the whole nation might get angry.

Before the destruction:



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  1. Agha Mohsin says

    very impressive , but he only destroyed the glasses rest the car is still in repairable condition..maybe in future it will migrate in Pakistan…lmao.

  2. Ash-had Ullah Khan says

    Bring it to Pakistan – SHERSHAH zindabad :p

  3. Talha Arif says

    lol, its in my city,,,,,,

  4. Micheal Shah Alfhonso says

    30 saal bad yai gadi pakistan me dorr rae hogi;).

  5. Kbh Khan says

    yes its true that dealership always claim a reason for not considering your car under warranty. I had a honda civic and I went to Honda Citi Sales Lahore for claiming a damaged engine mounting when my car was only 20000 driven, but they said. Sir RUBBER PARTS ARE NOT IN WARRANTY. so I had to pay RS12000 for this part only.
    And you can see that now a days corolla and Honda increasing their warranty period just to sell the cars because they know that they will have hundreds of reason for not claiming under warranty with the help of dealership mafia.

  6. Faizan Allahweriya says

    car is not more good than man.

  7. Micky Punjabi says

    Take it easy bruw..that must be insured..

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