Water powered Mercedes Ener G-Force: The future of off-roading

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If Land Rover built the Defender, Toyota had the Land Cruiser and Hilux to answer while Mercedes had the G-Wagen. All of them were used in warfare and the toughest conditions humans could face in a vehicle anywhere the around the world. Wars have never been named after cars but they have been named after 4x4s, the Toyota War for instance.

This decade, automakers have maximized their pace to define the future, both in the form of fuel they’ll use and how would the cars look as well. This is not the G-Class, however, the G in the name is a direct reference to the G-Wagen, but this is going to be a police vehicle for the future which was envisioned for 2012 Los Angeles Design Challenge as an “environmentally friendly” off road concept.

But the most interesting part of the car is that it isn’t a hybrid but actually a hydrogen powered vehicle but that hydrogen is extracted through magic by what Mercedes is calling as “hydro-tech converter”.

How it works is quite close to the concept of the infamous Agha Waqar. The Ener G-Force stores recycles water on tanks fixed on its roof which provides water to the Hydro-tech converter which by some magic creates hydrogen fuel out of water and gives 500 miles of range.

Unfortunately, concepts and ideas are worth nothing here and so Agha Waqar’s system which didn’t work but his concept/idea was genuine as even U.S. Navy is now using seawater to make jet fuel for its air planes.

Moving on, the design is quite Hollywood type futuristic but we’re not entirely sure whether it’s fit for 2025 or not, for the year this concept is designed to be.

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  1. Ather Shah says

    thing looks good.

  2. Arif Aziz says

    Kickass sex!

  3. Abdullah Mohsin Shabbir says

    MB pls build this M O N S T E R, did I say monster sorry I meant B E A U T Y ;-).

  4. Mian Qavi says

    over all it means agha waqar is not a farad.

  5. Afnan Aftab Motiwala says

    a future hoke cake for arab sheikhs…

  6. Talha Malik says

    Agha Waqar was bit stupid, he should not have lied and could have easily said that onboard cylinder already contains Hydrogen. He had installed onboard hydrogen cell and a cylinder which already had hydrogen inside it and tried to show that Vehicle is running by 100% generating its own hydrogen. Anyway, all these experiments had been performed by the White Man, a concept which already belongs to them.

  7. Syed Shabi Ul Hassan says

    great ha yar.

  8. Khurrum Shaukat says

    Great to know about this car it is really great to know we would be able to drive cars with Water I am realy Tired of High Diesel and Petrol price but if the water price goes up we will try the Piss Kits in Pakistan

  9. Mian Qavi says

    WE are afread from foreign power . they will not apreciate or creativity

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