Women Demand Separate Driving Schools in Capital City

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Recently, women in Islamabad has expressed their desire to the authorities for separate driving schools in the city. There is a shortage of driving schools in the capital city, and many women want female staff to teach them driving. 

Due to high charges, women are unable to learn driving. Women are urging that these fees must be decreased at least by half. Usually, for 15 days driving schools are charging between PKR 10,000 to 15,000 in Islamabad. Women also are more comfortable with female driving teachers compared to male ones. There are either very few or no women teachers at the current driving schools. Women are urging the Islamabad administration to take notice of these exorbitant charges and help them control the prices. 

The relevant authorities can set up driving schools for females only in Islamabad. These schools must charge an affordable amount from aspiring female drivers. This will help in empowering women by giving them a skill that they can also monetize. They can also use this skill to help their respective families. These driving schools can also put the students on a fast-track to gain a driving license.

From a safety point of view, it is safer for women to learn driving inside driving schools rather than on the open roads. Here, they can not only put themselves in danger but can also harm other motorists on the road. 

The current driving schools managed by Islamabad Traffic Police have limited capacities. Therefore, these driving schools cannot accommodate everyone at the same time. However, these driving schools are charging less. Women are also demanding that there must be more female traffic wardens to deal with female motorists. This is because more and more women are now driving cars. They are of the view that if women get the same degree of training as men, they can also excel in this field. 

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