Belarus Interested In Collaboration With Pakistan For Auto Part Manufacturing

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Belarusian businessmen delegation has reportedly shown interest during their meeting with Pakistan Association of Automation Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (Paapam) Senior Vice Chairman Mumshad Ali. Paapum members were urged to consider a joint venture in the fields of automobile, services and also industrial products since enormous potential exists for both countries to benefit from by means of bilateral trade and economic ties since their country is heavily services’ oriented and this can provide a potential market for the economy of Pakistan to progress. They greatly value the economic importance that Belarus enjoys with Pakistan since the position of their country in the center of Europe gives it a great economic advantage, add to that the country is one of the most industrialized countries after gaining independence from the USSR.

Mr. Ali who appreciated the delegation’s efforts while emphasizing that the dynamics of Belarus are different from those of other central Asian states all the while, underscoring the need for frequent people-to-people contact, regular exchange of trade info and business delegations. He also said, “Paapam is seeking technical collaboration with international companies for hi-tech auto part manufacturing in Pakistan.”

He stressed that the association was interested in making contacts with foreign companies and analyze the possibility of a joint venture as well with a few. According to him, “We are looking for joint ventures and trade agreements for the development of engine and hi-tech consumable parts for aftermarket and OEM consumption, besides targeting Middle Eastern, Central Asian and African markets.”

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1 Comment
  1. Ziba Ji says

    Have them come over and set up a factory in Pakistan so our citizens and people can get employed and find production level jobs. Govt shall subsidize and provide tax benefits or provide free land:)

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