Buy a CNG Honda Civic and get $3,000 fuel card free in the U.S.

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Its been often heard in Pakistan by buyers of local cars that dealerships don’t even provide enough fuel in the car for it to arrive on the nearest gas station to fill it up but in South America, where CNG is only $2 (192 PKR) for a gallon, a new deal has been given on CNG Honda Civic where the buyer would get $3000 worth of fuel card free.

Although Pakistan is one of the largest consumers of natural gas in vehicles, yet Honda hasn’t introduced its NGV Civic over here. It maybe have something to do with the image Honda has chosen to pursue here.

Moreover, every car is offered in the U.S. with flexible fueling yet somehow, natural gas isn’t much popular and to gain on the consumers, Honda is offering this deal which is at the seems to be only available in California because, the fuel card is provided by Clean Energy CNG, which has 150 filling stations across the US, and majority (40) of them are in California.

The Civic NGV is $ 10,000 expensive than the normal version but with natural gas averaging about $2 a gallon and the Civic NGV being capable of doing 31 mph combined, you could use the free fuel to cover roughly about 45,000 miles, which makes it a great bargain.

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  1. David Lee says


  2. Waqas Khalid says

    CNG in gallons… nice

  3. Zahid Khan says

    It should be dear as its in liquid shape and what you buy as cylinder is in litters not in kgs this is all our govt drama. where ever milk was sold in kgs they converted it to litters and gas in kgs hahahaha kia thinking hai b******s ki

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