Consumer court fines and tells the seller of a defective rikshaw to fix it

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In Lahore, Ali Hussain had bought a new rickshaw to gain some income for his household but to his displeasure, the rickshaw sold, although new but it was defective.

Ali however knew his rights as buyers, he than approached the consumer courts and filed a petition against the seller for selling a defective rickshaw.

Ali told to the court that he had bought a rickshaw with a warranty of three months at a price of 150,000 PKR and he found there were several problems with it. So he approached the service centre to claim the warranty but no one entertained him even though factory had admitted that it was defective but did not changed it.

The consumer court hearing the petition directed the seller to replace the parts with problems and also pay 10,000 PKR to Ali Hussain as compensation for selling a defective rickshaw.

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  1. Afnan Aftab Motiwala says

    What more do u expect to get in 150k

  2. Muhammad Ali Shahid says

    yes to kamal hogaya.

  3. Akhtar Lashari says

    new ki sir prise please.

  4. muhammad says

    its the time to move forward,rickshaw is old fashion

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