Desi Riding Gear VS Safe Riding Gear

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Bikes are an important part of daily commute of literally millions of Pakistanis. You get on Shahra E Faisal in the morning during the office hours and you will see a flood of folks on motorbikes. It was reported back in 2014, that around 26,000 bikes are registered in Sindh province, and some 13,000 of those 26,000 belong to Karachi alone. 13,000 bikes a month means more than 150,000 bikes yearly. And we are pretty sure the number would have only increased by now.

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So considering motorcycles are a main mode of transportation for millions of Pakistanis, it is of utmost importance that they apply some safety measures to their day to day riding. Weather it is from home to office and to back home, or going to parks and public spots for a day out, a certain level of riding safety must be adhered to.

So in order to inform our readers a little about the proper riding gear, we have compiled the following infographic.


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  1. abey says

    Please note that 90% of the motorcycles i see on the roads of Karachi do not have side mirrors. This in itself is quite hazardous as these motorcyclists turn wherever they please without a care in the world about the vehicles coming from the back. They change tracks, and sometimes go almost perpendicular to them without looking back for traffic.

  2. abey says

    btw…who said proper bike gear does not look cool…it sets you apart from the fools.

  3. Sanjay Natarajan says

    “Weather it is from home to office and to back home, or going to parks and public spots for a day out, a certain level of riding safety must be adhered to.”

    WEATHER – are u guys serious? It should be WHETHER!! Pak Wheels guys, always remember that your blog is a global one and has readers across the globe. Please double check the spelling and grammar before you post your articles!
    Criticism always lead to a better tomorrow, hope you guys understand!

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