Does an image of Faisal Mosque belongs on cars’ number plates?!

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It is very unfortunate that our nation, when choosing number plates for their vehicle, give very little or no thought process at all when deciding the options and go with the flow. Earlier I wrote about Al-Bakistan type number plates which are becoming common on our streets, now whether it is the introduction of Saudi or the Western culture, it does not matter, what is essential though, is that we preserve and promote our unique identity and culture.

But there’s a new sort of number plate I have noticed only recently, and those registration plates come from the capital city and are slowly gaining momentum.

Being a resident of Lahore, the first I began observing these number were in Lahore so it struck me as a random occurrence however, when I last visited the twin-cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, such numbers with a picture of Faisal Mosque on the side of the plates. I do not have any idea of why they are doing this, and I am pretty sure, that if you ask them why they did this, they wouldn’t either just claim that it is cool without giving any solid reasoning.

Fancy number plates are banned throughout the country, a PakWheels’ member learned the hardway after a ITP Warden gave him a challan and yet, people have continued to put up such images of sacred places of our religion. But, is it right?

Being a Muslim myself, my respect for mosques is not lower than anyone else, but, think about it! Number plate is one of the lowest (on the front) and most exposed part of the car, the plate can fall down, dust, dirt, people leaning at them, and lastly, once in a while during rains or overflowing gutters, the cars have to go through sewerage water. So, I am not a radical and I believe in being a moderate, giving everyone the right to choose for themselves but, a civilized society offers room to debate, to discuss and come to a conclusion without inflicting any harm.

So is it right keep that image over there, whether as a trademark of our capital city or a beautiful mosque?

I believe in religious tolerance towards everyone and I am not saying this is wrong or that is right. I’m just a person using common sense and appeal to your logic. That we shouldn’t use sacred religious texts on vehicles because they are exposed to all sorts of dirt and dust in our environment, so is it all worth it? How about we recite in our hearts every time before we get into our vehicle  instead of putting up a sticker of a scared ‘Ayat’ on the wind screen of our car? Maybe unknowingly we are disrespecting the one thing we have the most amount of faith and love for.

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  1. Usman Ul Amin says

    Well, thats just a logo displaying that the car is registered in the capital city, nothing bad in that. If we talk about sewerage water, rain water, dust etc, i dont think it is any issue at all, thats just a logo, if we see in real life, the walls of mosques are sometimes quite full of dusts, whole society is putting their backs towards the mosque moving here and there, sewerage water sometimes spills inside or outside the mosque and much more, so i dont think there is any such issue to be on a debate 🙂

  2. Fazal Wahab says

    and you know all these news papers used to put naan or tasty pakooray..

  3. Usman Ul Amin says

    Fazal Wahab Exactly, that should be something on debate, the govt should make a law against it, either they should stop publishing the ayats and sacred pictures / names in the news papers or else the redi system should be stopped (which seems quite difficult in Pakistan)

  4. i tottaly am against these images because the numbers and letters are themselves indicators of which city the car is registered in and what would a car owner do if there is nothing much renowned place in his/her city,there would be just a damn number out there and also i dont wanna know from what city that car is as long as its good looking 🙂

  5. Abdul Rahman says

    it,s just a logo Mujtaba Abbas, I don,t think so that there is any bad thing about.

  6. Faraz Riaz says

    and what about Rs 2 coin?
    It also has picture of mosque :s

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