Ghandhara signs agreement with Renault to introduce trucks in Pakistan

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Ghandhara Nissan has signed importer agreement with Renault Trucks SAS to import heavy-duty trucks to Pakistan.

Ghandhara Nissan is expanding its presence in the local market with investment and introduction of new vehicles. The company has been awarded Brownfield investment status by the government, and since then it has become very vigilant. And now as mentioned above the company has signed an agreement with Renault Trucks SAS to import CBUs from France to Pakistan.

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It is important to mention here that Ghandhara has reportedly imported few trucks to test them on Pakistani roads. Moreover, Ghandhara has also signed an agreement with Nissan Motor Company to introduce Datsun cars into the country, and it will invest 4.5 billion Pakistani rupees (about $41 million) over the first four years in this regard. Nissan and Ghandhara will work together to develop Ghandhara’s facilities in Karachi’s Port Qasim into a world-class manufacturing plant.

Furthermore, the company has started assembling JAC X200 locally in collaboration with its Chinese partner JAC Motors. The first Roll Off ceremony of the locally assembled X200 was held in April 2018, at Ghandhara Nissan Truck Plant, Port Qasim, Karachi. The vehicle is priced at around Rs 1.6 million.

Moving onward, Ghandhara is gearing up to launch double-cabin pickup JAC T6 in Pakistan in the coming days.

Aside from Ghandhara Nissan, Renault is also setting up its assembly plant in Faisalabad in a bid to introduce its vehicles in the country. Renault has also launched its website ( for Pakistan consumers.

That’s it from our side, drop your thoughts in the comments section below.

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