Govt Action Against Overcharging on Motorway Shops?

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Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered action against overcharging at tuck shops on the motorway. The premier has directed the National Highway Authority (NHA) and motorway police to take strict action against profiteers, who are looting the common citizens at different rest stops.

The travelers on the motorway have repeatedly reported incidents of overpricing by both tuck and tyre shops. These outlets sell different products on double or even triple rates than actual prices. Earlier this month, a video went viral on social media where a tyre shop owner charged a woman around Rs15,00 for punctured tyres. Furthermore, the tuckshops have sold biscuits, cold drinks, sandwiches, water bottles, tea, and other food items at very inflated prices.

Taking the notice, the prime minister Khan has ordered the concerned authorities to take necessary steps to control the prices. He asked NHA to establish zone wise teams to keep a constant check on prices through surprise visits.

He has also asked the local authorities to cooperate with police and other law enforcement authorities to handle the situation, whenever required. The premier has also asked the authorities to put up banners on the motorway, encouraging citizens to report such incidents on Citizen Portal.

Tyre Mafia on Motorway: 

One of the serious issues the commuters have faced on the motorway is facing tyre mafia. Last month, a journalist reported that the tyre shops at different stops destroy your car tyres while checking the pressure. Then they sell you new tyres at hefty prices. This has caused economic and mental disturbance to the common people. The journalist had asked the authorities to take strict action against these shop owners. 

Share if you have faced any such incident while traveling on the motorways, and what authorities should do to tackle it and resolve this serious crime. 

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