On the road in their G-Wagon since 1989

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Former airline executive Gunther Holtorf and his wife Christine left Germany in their Mercedes G-Wagon, bound for an 18-month tour of Africa but somehow, they kept on going and even after covering 500,000 miles, 74 years old Gunther, his wife and the G-Wagon are still going on strong without any sponsorship or factory but self-funded.

On the road since 1989 and G-Wagen moves them on even today without any serious break down. And you know what, your exotic G63 or 65 would make them financially broke within days and would never move on. The olden W461 280 G-wagens were the deal.

Despite having covered half a million miles and destinations such as Brazil, Paris, Mount Everest, Cuba, Northern Iraq (during the war, naturally), Hollywood, Kazakhstan, Alberquque, the Caribbean, lots of Africa…their G-Wagon has never ever broke down seriously.

Here’s the complete BBC interview and slideshow: [www.bbc.co.uk]

Who among us want to do that? I want!

But the truth of the matter is that they earn in a currency which is alot more valuable than ours. So the most popular countries are cheap and that’s how it is easy for them to survive there than us; who have the same ambition but the wrong passport and most importantly, our earnings are in the wrong currency, which are going down the gutter with each passing minute.

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