Supreme Court Removes Ban On Qingqi Rickshaws’ In Karachi

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Supreme Court of Pakistan has dissolved the restriction implemented on the Qingqi rickshaws in the economic capital of Pakistan, Karachi. A two-member bench consisting of Justice Gulzar Ahmad and Justice Dost Muhammad Khan have issued an order to the relevant government departments to start registering the Qingqi rickshaws nationwide within next three months.

All Karachi Qingqi Welfare Association had contacted the Supreme Court to remove the restriction implemented on the three-wheelers previously by the apex court. The bench was listening to the points of both sides today on Wednesday as well. The court also showed its dissatisfaction on the lack of public transportation as an alternative to Qingqi rickshaws.

Also Read: Ban On Qingqis To Favor Bus Mafia Or, Should Gov. Redesign And Regulate Qingqis?

The Court has ordered to make sure the registration is done after the complete due diligence, including the safety standards of the three-wheelers. Also, those interested in owning and running a Qingqi rickshaw must obtain a license before. The license will be given to the interested individual has taken a test. After this ruling, the Qingqi rickshaws will not be allowed on the public roads until proper registration and license.

The Qingqi rickshaws were completely banned last year by the Sindh High Court. After that, Qingqi rickshaw organizations and political parties contact the Supreme Court the turn the ruling of the high court. The case has been in the court for five months now, and a similar decision has already been issued before. The government promised to bring an efficient public transportation system, and the court banned the rickshaws once again. When Supreme Court inquired the government about the alternatives, it announced the previously dropped projects of circular railway and solar-powered rickshaws.

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But the government of Sindh was unable to show any progress in its public transportation plans in today’s hearing and the court issued the ruling to register the rickshaws and operate on public roads. The next hearing will be after three months.

The debate on the merits and demerits of Qingqi rickshaws in Karachi has been going on for ages now. The public of Karachi received Qingqi rickshaws with open arms after the attitude of local transport mafia. But private car and motorcycle owners have always held Qingqi rickshaw drivers responsible for most of the traffic problems, including one of the primary reason of road accidents. The latest ruling by the court can be considered a positive step to provide the public with cheap transportation.

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  1. Guest says

    English needs some real improvement in this sentence: “The license will be given to the interested individual has taken a test.”

    1. The sentence is not grammatically correct. In fact it is completely nonsense.
    2. Choice of words should be careful when reporting legal matter. License would be given to that driver/operator who has successfully cleared the test. Only “taking” the test does not guarantee the award of license. In case the driver/operator fails the test despite attempting it, he/she is not going to get the license. Only in case he/she passes, it is going to be awarded.

    Suitable license for driving a Qing-Qi is Motorcycle Rickshaw license or LTV license, since Motor car license is not valid for driving commercial vehicle.

  2. Muazzam Ali Kazmi says

    It should have been “motorcycle rickshaw” rather than “Motorcycle Rickshaw.” And “Motor car” should have been “motor car.”

    By the way, have you noticed another mistake ” . . . one of the primary reason . . . ” not “reasons.”

  3. Muhammad Yasir says

    lol people commenting here like Grammar Nazis while i celebrate the return of the BELOVED Qingqi !

    so how long before i see them BACK ?

  4. MalikSaabi says

    Hire me for proofreading folks! 8.5 on the IELTS grinder! lol 😀

  5. Guest again says

    I noticed the “reason” thing. But that was a small spelling mistake. The sentence I quoted is not a sentence by definition. The definition of sentence is a collection of words conveying a meaning. Whereas the quoted is just a collection of words, no meaning.

    Actually it should have “motor cab rickshaw”. [Motor cycle rickshaw is just a tricycle with engine which cannot be used for commercial purpose (e.g beach ATV), so that was my mistake].

    I capitalized them as they are legal terms. Capitalization has important function in legal and contract language. But after your comment I consulted the MOTOR VEHICLES ORDINANCE and in it, there is no consistency, someplace there is “motor car”, in some there is “Motor car”. Similarly, Motor cycle, Motorcycle and motor cycle, all have been used without consistency. So in reality the foundation work of our traffic chaos was laid in ancient times because even in that theoretical work there is no consistency so how can in practical be there any consistency?

    BTW Qing-Qi has the official spelling of qingqi as Sindh government has adopted the name of qingqi -as “Motor cycle rickshaw qingqi”. This comes from SRO NO. SO (T-II) / 2 -17 / 2010

  6. Guest yet again says

    I should clarify myself further. Qingqi has been defined as a 3-wheeled vehicle with 4 person in addition to one driver (5 occupants in total) which cannot be used for commercial purpose.

    This way, qingqi can be driven using a non-commercial driving license (motor cycle rickshaw) by a person over eighteen years of age. Driver is only eligible to get a license for use a paid employee or to drive own commercial vehicle after 21 years of age.

    Had qingqi been classified as commercial vehicle, many things would be different including number plate, and driving license requirements.

  7. Guest says

    In addition to being a grammar nazi, legal terms are legal terms and should be used consistently all along.

  8. Muhammad Yasir says

    k den , random guest

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