VIP Culture – A Rapidly Growing Cancer in Pakistan

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In my daily commute to the Gulberg and DHA areas of Lahore for office work or outings, I usually come across self-proclaimed VIP movement there, especially during office hours. Luxury cars such as BMWs, Range Rovers, and Porsches are seen escorted by one or more Toyota Vigos (“dehshatgard (Terrorist)” as I like to call them) packed with armed guards often leaning out of their vehicles. While I have no issues with them generally as the prevailing law and order situation has forced people to opt for additional security, issues arise when these dehshatgards start harassing people.

While their job description involves protecting their clients and being constantly vigilant, it does not involve spewing curses and aggressive behaviour that would put a mad man high on steroids to shame. During the passing of these VIP caravans, this is the behaviour you must expect from them, anything less and you should be checking where the sun rose from. They expect all traffic to stay away from them, forming an impenetrable bubble around the VIP which is protected by the threat of AK-47s.

My personal experience: once I was behind one of the dehshatgards and I came close due to traffic and the fact that the signal goes green for a mere 20 seconds. The armed guard literally pointed his AK-47 at me (which is ILLEGAL, by the way!) and shouted at me to slow down.

And if you happen to actually collide with one of these cars and get paint nicked etc., forget getting paid for your damage, you will be held responsible and throw all notions of an apology out the window. They are, literally, the big dogs, you will have to suck it up and suffer in silence. Also, you cannot park anywhere around them, or pass ahead/sideways of them or you will be blasted by horns/curses etc. Like, how dare you try to get past the God of all things? How dare you?

Concluding with a message to those so-called-VIPS, I am not against you people having body guards, maybe you people have a real threat to your life, but the blatant display of firearms and aggression by your guards should be stopped immediately. Not all of us want to kill/kidnap you. You have the right to spend on your safety but you do not own the roads. I believe only ambulances enjoy such privileges for obvious reasons and not you folks. If you are on the road, please do not harass or insult other people who are travelling there as well and who have equal rights as you. You could try alternative routes that are not main-stream. And if you have such a huge imminent threat then I suggest you take the following precautionary measures:

  1. Buy a helicopter. Do not travel on roads. The view will be great for selfies as well.
  2. Dial the McDonald’s helpline to have them deliver burgers at your doorstep and eat them in the comfort of your living room.
  3. Simply ride in a rickshaw. A V8 or a BMW draws a lot more attention.
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  1. Abdullah Ismail says

    Spot on!
    They have the right to security, but they can't act like they own the road.

  2. Murtaza Abbas says

    Meanwhile in the developed minister travels on his cycle

  3. Murtaza Ahsan says

    i dont give em space to over take me!! tit for tat

  4. Mujtaba Abbas says

    Haha Send him here 😛

  5. Syed Moazzam says

    Stupid bastards think they are God

  6. M Murad Wajid says

    The best idea for protection should be.
    1. try to avoid travelling in a high end luxury vehicle.
    2. Get a rather smaller car at the back such as Cuore,Vitz,Swift for security.
    3.Tell the guards to be in civil dress and dont show their arms.
    This is the best way to carry security without being noticed. Some of the people i know follow this method and are very satisfied by their security.
    The Guarded Vigo is just showoff and rather more risky

  7. Rashid Shafique says

    Government cant do much, most of the officials are in these vigo-stuck-behind-my-ass vehicles.

  8. ALi TariQ says

    happened to me a couple of times.. One time i was sure i was about to get a beat down for making an angry gesture ..these pricks think they own the roads

  9. Abdullah Ismail says

    ALi TariQ Yes. Once I had a 'moo maari' with them. They always get on my nerves.

  10. Zaka Ashraf says

    I live in Rawalpindi and work in Islamabad. I also face the same very often and sometimes they behave like we are dogs and road is the property of their father….I feel very helplessness

  11. Talha Ahmed says

    I love to play with them especially at shahrahefaisal at one time I was not giving way them and ignoring them.

  12. warach says

    Defensive and observant driving important. Even if I give way to these aggressive Vigo escorted VIPs , you are not required to move away when the traffic is congested. They can buy helicopters if security is such a big concerns , but good defensive and careful driving is must for everyone on the roads.

  13. Sohaib says

    these big dogs don’t care at all, your article will not make any significant difference unfortunately. Why don’t IK do a long march against these pigs & dogs.

  14. Omair Ahmed Khan says

    When you’re corrupt you’ll always have a fear for life.

  15. Demril Shaikh says

    Solution is join PTI / IK…to eradicate this corrupt rotten system….finish the status quo promote equality and honesty…..Join PTI…support Imran Khan

  16. Demril Shaikh says

    if you see these corrupt vips they are mostly backed by MNAs MPAs …sons of Bureaucrats…police officers or politicians….they are civil servants whereas they act as our masters….

  17. Demril Shaikh says

    one of my friends did the same thing at sharae faisal….the guards stopped his car when they stopped at the signal…he was beaten brutally and nobody came to rescue him…since then he gives them way looooool

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