A made in China wooden electric car that actually works

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Over the years there have been many wooden cars made by different artists but not many work actually but this one, here works completely like a car although using wood entirely to make the car and than powering it using electric motors isn’t labelled as environmental friendly but you can move it for a good 150 kms at a top speed of  60 km/h.

The person who built this wooden masterpiece belongs to Xinjiang province and had it displayed at the China-Central Asia Show in Urumqi this week where he claimed that the car is more stylish than a Mercedes and also, is more expensive than a Mercedes as well.

Delivery times are six month if you can afford this at 300,000 Chinese Yuan which when converted into Pakistan rupee is almost 4.5 million, I am guessing it would be a hard decision thinking of all the options you may have in that price range.

Wooden Electric Car

Chinese Wooden Electric Car

Wooden Electric Car by China

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  1. Tahir Usman says

    Pile of crap!

  2. Mustafa Iftekhar says

    no tension of spray or paint… just polish 🙂

  3. Rose Rose says

    great car lest make one.

  4. Farhan Hashmi says

    better than mercedes…………….. lolxxx wat a claim u made mate……… pathetic looks….

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