Canadian Automakers Tops the List of Most Vehicles Recalled During 2014

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With an increasing safety concern it is found that there is an even greater number of recalls. 2014 was a record making year for Canadian automakers when it comes to auto recalls as nearly 600 recall notices were issued, as per Transport Canada data.

The recall notices were made due to serious safety problems such as faulty airbags and ignition switches. Automakers are taking serious steps towards safety as ignition issues have caused number of crashes leaving 58 injured and 42 deaths. These steps are to be taken by the automakers to secure the passengers and themselves in the future.

Previously, Honda announced a recall for their vehicles due to a poor functional airbag installed by Takata. Even now, the automakers are facing airbag issues as they are blowing out with excess force, which in turn hurts the head causing severe injuries and death in some cases.

Josh Bailey, Vice President of Research and Editorial at vehicle value company Canadian Black Book, says that he is not expecting the same amount of vehicles to be recalled in the future years as that of 2014, but there will still be a noticeable amount of recalls, as automakers are willing to play safe and are avoiding any negative press like it covered General Motors and Takata.

Had it been Pakistani automakers, they would have very well blamed the passengers for having too sensitive heads.

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