Earlier this month, the federal government increased petrol prices by Rs. 2.7 per liter. Now, the Punjab government is imposing Rs. 1-3 Gasoline Tax on per litre petrol in Lahore. The government will extend this tax to Rawalpindi and Multan in the coming months.
We are all familiar with Orange Train and Metro Bus transports, right? The two public transports are working in Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Multan. The Punjab government gives an Rs. 12 billion subsidy to the operators of Orange Train and Metro Bus projects every month. Turns out, the government is facing difficulties in paying this amount. Hence, the Punjab Mass Transit Authority has proposed to impose a Gasoline Tax on the citizens of these three cities.
The Punjab government is starting with the city of Lahore. As per the government’s calculations, the Gasoline Tax will generate more than Rs. 1.5 billion annual revenue. This will give relief to the Punjab government in subsidizing public transport in Lahore.
GM Operations of the Punjab Mass Authority (PMA) says that the government will collect the Gasoline Tax to promote public transport, following the pattern of many developed countries around the world.
The citizens of Lahore are responding to this new tax regulation with utter disappointment. They are not ready to bear the additional burden of this tax. It’s understandable that the government is going through a rough patch. However, it is unreasonable to take it out on the public. But then again, that is exactly what most governments are doing in the world. Because at the end of the day, public money is invested in the welfare of the public.
What do you think about the government’s new initiative of collecting the public transport subsidy from the public itself? Let us know in the comments.
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