Honda Recalls Faulty Cars With A “Special Service Offer”

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Honda Atlas Pakistan has recently started a “special service campaign” for the owners of specific models plus manufacturing years. The so-called campaign is basically the company’s recall for the cars with faulty propeller motors. The advertisement says that the owners of the following cars can contact the nearest Honda 3S & 2S dealership to get a FREE replacement of the said component:

  • 2018 Honda Accord
  • 2018-19 Honda Civic
  • 2018 Honda BR-V

The company has posted the offer on its official website and social media. 

Honda Atlas Special OfferWhat is an “automotive recall”?

At the time of production, any part of the car could remain sub-standard, causing issues to the end-users. When that happens, the automotive company recalls its customers to fix the specific issues. Some recalls are minor and do not pose any serious danger to the car owners, like a software update. Some recalls need immediate action and are known as “Safety Recalls”, like defective airbags.

Fuel Pump Issue in Honda Cars

Honda Pakistan acquires many mechanical components for their vehicles from Denso, a global automotive parts manufacturer based in Japan. The company received defective propeller motors from Denso and installed them in the cars manufactured between 2018 and 2020. Malfunctioning propeller motor causes issues in the fuel pump of the car and makes the vehicle stop or stall mid-journey. 

Last year, Honda recalled 1.4 million cars worldwide and offered to fix their issues for free. 

Many 2018-2019 Honda Accord, Civic, and BR-V owners in Pakistan are still facing the defective fuel pump issue. This year, Honda Atlas Pakistan has come up with a special offer of ‘free mechanical component upgrade’ to take care of their customers’ car problems. 

If you are a 2018 Accord, 2018-19 Civic, or 2018 BR-V owner and your car has been showing the symptoms of a defective fuel pump, avail this offer from the nearest authorized Honda dealership ASAP! 

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