How The Mighty Have Fallen – When A Supercar Manufacturer Went Bankrupt

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Some of you may have heard of the Russian car manufacturer known as Marussia with its origins taking root in 2007. It was the first ever Russian based Supercar manufacturer. They came out with a total of 2 cars known as the B1 and the B2, both having mid mounted V6 Cosworth engines producing around 400 horsepower depending on the specification of the car and they used to cost around 100,00 euros. In 2010 they bought a considerable share in the Virgin Racing Formula 1 team and it went on to be later renamed the Marussia F1 in 2010.


Though things did not pan out as they hoped it would when they decided to purchase the team. Marussia F1 only managed to score 2 points in their short F1 history that lasted from 2010 till 2014. By mid-season in 2014, they officially went bankrupt owing a total of 31 million pounds of which a total out of 18 million pounds was owed to Ferrari as they supplied the engines for their F1 cars. These pictures show the state of the car manufacturer nearly 1 year later on and it really is a sad sight. Cars that were probably mid-way through production lay abandoned locked in cages only to be vandalised and eventually turn into rust, a shame really.

2010 Marussia B2 

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