Importing A Car To Pakistan

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We always get questions like if it is possible to import a car on your. Well, the short answer is yes. But is it easy, short answer is no.

The thing is, you need someone in Japan to first buy a car, from auction or a dealer or whatever, and then ship it to you. You can do that remotely but that is a really painstaking procedure. You are required to pay the authorities in Japan heavy fees and then again, ask them to ship the vehicle to you. You are need to deposit more than PKR 100,000 as a fee and give your passport.

Or the simplest way is ask the importers who buy and then ship the vehicles to pakistan, to do it for you. There are people in Japan who charge you a certain fee and buy the car for you. You can select the car online through auction website and ask your agent to buy it for you. They usually charge in Yen and the amount roughly translates to around PKR 25000.

You will select the car, they will buy it for you and then ship it to you. Then comes the step of clearing it from the port. Again, you can go through the hassle of getting it cleared from the port or just ask the agents to clear it for you. It is very tedious procedure to get it cleared from the port yourself and you might end up spending a lot of time there arguing with the port authorities and you might end up spending way more than you were expecting.

There are agents who charge you according to the car and get your vehicle cleared from the port. Their charges usually depend on the engine capacity of your vehicle.

Then again, its always recommended to enlist the help of professionals who knows their ways around the customs house, port authorities because buying a car in Japan or UK will be easy because they have proper channels and processes with no chances of fraud however here, we all know the story.

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  1. Asad says

    I am Syed Asad Ullah, Senior Sales Executive in ICM Japan(Used Car Exporter)
    we export cars in more than 45 countries of the world including Pakistan,
    If you are interested to import the cars or need information that how to import cars from Japan then please let me know,

    Thank You,


    Syed Asad Ullah

  2. Muhammad Laman Samo says

    Hey asad. Is there any way to import ls430 2001?

  3. Asad says

    You can’t ,
    Pakistan Custom policy doesn’t allow to import
    more than 3 year old Vehicle

    Thank you

  4. Haroon Zafar says

    please more elaborate the procedure in Pakistan, if one don’t have passport then how one can still import the vehicle ? and please state rough idea of all expenses related to clearing agent and other expense involved eg. for vitz 2012 (1.0)cc.

  5. Abdel Wahab Suleman says

    Hey Asad, I would like to know the procedure and estimated cost to import Honda Vezel. Can you give me an idea?

  6. Muhammad Laman Samo says

    I know about the age limit but I meant about gift scheme and other schemes.

  7. Munaf Razzak says

    You can’t import a car on your own passport requirements R that a person has stayed more than 6 months aboard can import the car so the cars comes from japan on another guys name there are agents who deals in these types of passports and charge about 18 to 20,000 per passport plz there is no garrentee for the car in case of any damage its yours minor or major mostly minors happend every 10 out 1 and first you need an agent in japan to buy the for you and has to be trustworthy and because if your a regular buyers you will have 3 to 5 days to transfer the money to him other wise it has to be advance like 50% of the car your buying in japan in yen as a security after buying the car it has to be DE-registered then import and export papers come in to play and after every thing when your car reaches in Pakistan Karachi port after 50 to 60 days from the date you bought it port people take things out from your halal keh paise ki kamai ki gari for example mats, emergency flair ,and AIR PUMP which is now started coming in new vitz and mira EIS because no spare wheel wheel caps and some times DVD navigation if they get lucky and Fuel if your car has more than half a tank soo basicly any thing they get there hands on and if any one has ever seen a container full of cars like how the pack it 6 cars in one you will be pissed and fright costs extra after you buy the car witch is 1,20,000 to 1,40,000 depands your car is a vitz or axio corolla

  8. Asad says

    In Pakistan Vehicle coming in gift Scheme.
    No other Schemes to Import vehicle more 3 years Old age

  9. Asad says

    Contact me through Via Email you will get all Info
    [email protected]

  10. Asad says

    Contact me through Via email

    [email protected] you will get all Info

  11. Asad says

    Contact me through Via email [email protected]

  12. Haseeb says

    There is one way though if you are very very interested in an old car. You can import it in terms of passage. If your relative has nationality of uk, you can import from uk through his passport. Your rlative will claim that he wants to use the vehicle in pakistan. The passage certificate is issued for only 3 months. After that your relative will hand over the vehicle to customs official saying that he doesn’t want to take back the vehicle because freight charges are very high. Then you will wait for customs official to do the auction of vehicle. Participate in auction and buy the car!

  13. Muhammad Laman Samo says

    I’m sure the custom people won’t auction this beauty car. They’ll instead drive themselves I’m sure with that too.

  14. rkk says

    rather get a clean piece from the show rooms directly. Too much hassle importing it yourself.

  15. wahab says

    I have just imported honda vezel 2015 . Z package .. If you want to buy at throwaway price call me … 03222388542 . Its a zero meter pearl white vezel

  16. hamza says

    Very vague article. A little more detailed one could have been helpful like some idea on taxation and import policies. Also importing from countries other japan like uk or the US

  17. Shahid iqbal says

    My name is shahid iqbal I want to import a hybrid car 1500 to 1800 cc
    Please tell me what can i do

  18. Arghan Tahir says

    Contact Jumbo International Clearing Agency for car clearance

  19. Arghan Tahir says

    Jumbo International Clearing Agency for car clear

  20. Arghan Tahir says

    Pioneers is car clearance

  21. Mosab says

    i want to import Honda Fit 1200cc, as govt is not/less imposing import duty on Hybrid cars under 1200cc.
    can any one guide me how much it cost me and any authorized person. Honda Fit 1300cc is costing between 14-16.
    Daihatsu Mira is good car but 660cc costing 1000k 🙁

  22. Arghan Tahir says

    Customs clearance in Pakistan

  23. Bilal mughal says

    bro is there any way to import old models ??

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