Ministry wants ban on CNG kits, cylinders and CNG fitted cars

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As news spurred around about government planning decisively to ban the consumption of CNG, topics on Pakwheels poured with highly responses highly protesting against the ban but little did the people know that the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources not only seeks a year’s ban on CNG consumption but as well as cylinder and CNG fitted cars.

The government isn’t likely to implement any ban as such because such a ban would cause a huge outrage or may even spark country wide protests and Pak Suzuki will not let this happen as it would hit their business very hard.

However unlikely it may seem but the Economic Coordination Committee has decided to take up this agenda in the next meeting even though the implications of such a decisions can be worse under the predicament economic conditions where common man is subjected buy everything on an exorbitantly inflated price due to various factors.

The ban though – isn’t going to be implemented on public transport sector and they will be allowed to use CNG as a fuel along side – CNG conversion and assembling of CNG vehicles for use in public transport sector will continue.

The minister said that the country’s gas shortfall have increased to a dangerous level of 4 bcfd and if the Gas Load Management Plan is not implemented in it’s true spirit, there would be severe gas crisis in the country and no consumer category would be left to face the load shedding.

He further added that CNG stations would be advised to convert on LPG and the first-of-a-kind LPG station is all set to be inaugurated in Lahore soon.

Moreover, CM Sindh also announced Air-Car project to began soon in an attempt to avoid the CNG crisis.

via Daily Times

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  1. Ghulam Qasim Ali says

    What a stupidity. They are not buying gas from Iran at lower cost, rather they want to destroy their economy in the love of US. But what can be done as, “beggers are not the choosers”.

  2. Babar Ali says

    I fully endorsed Government of Pakistan’s decision to implement a complete ban on CNG in all sort of forms.
    The reason being simple, there isn’t enough gas for the industry which is backbone to any economy…if mills will shut down due to gas storages as it is happening, it will cause mass scale unemployment….then we will see who comes on road…..the ones driving the cars on CNG or the one with empty stomachs.

    Pakistan shouldn’t have introduced CNG on cars in the first place…natural resources are getting scared around the world, wars being staged for getting hold on resources….and here is this nation who is bent upon wasting it, be it water or natural gas…..

    Time has come for hard but straight forward decision that needs to be taken for a better future to coming generations of this beloved Pakistan….we should think something of our next generations…there should be something left for them so that they could remember us in good words.

  3. saad says

    oh i that case i have a tip for those minister who think it would help
    1)low the petrol price because their is difference of 200 to 500 rupees per 100km
    2)built up the road i am in sindh so here i can see the corrouption of asif ali zardari and fellows
    road are in worst condition
    3)check the purification of petrol pumps because kerosine or somthing else is mixed in it
    4)build better motor way police

  4. saad says

    oh in that case i have a tip for those minister who wants to close C.N.G
    think it would help
    1)low the petrol price because their is difference of 200 to 500 rupees per 100km
    2)built up the road i am in sindh so here i can see the corrouption of asif ali zardari and fellows
    road are in worst condition
    3)check the purification of petrol pumps because kerosine or somthing else is mixed in it
    4)build better motor way police
    5)lower the taxes you (ministers ,tax officers) apply on cars and let every car with seafty feature like
    air bags
    abs (anti-lock brake system)
    this closing of cng will also help in economic but we earn less for spending

  5. shanoo says

    They banned Cng Kits, banned Sms, Banned Electricity. One day, we might be banned for oxygen.

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