These Are The Most Played Songs On Radio In Pakistan!

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Listening to music is a must when on the road. Now, days of sticking with an out-dated playlist on the move are over!! because we will be coming up with weekly and monthly top charts for both Hollywood and Bollywood songs.

How do we rank?

We rank songs on our top charts by analyzing weekly and monthly rankings released by most reputable FM networks of Pakistan along with ratings from international streaming services. So that you get a thorough yet concise overview of what’s generating the highest buzz in the music industry.


bollywood top ten rankings Hollywood top ten rankings

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  1. Fazal Wahab says

    Strange no Pakistani songs.. or people don’t really listen to it at all ?

  2. Adnan Khan says

    My Every Day top 3
    1- Vital signs, Nusrat Fateh , Junnon
    2- GnR, Ac/Dc Metallica
    3- Coldplay , Van Halen , System Of a DOwn.

  3. Tanweer says

    This is just sad. Is this what this blog has come to? Selling songs to get clicks? Just pathetic.

  4. waqas says

    Pak Wheel or Song Wheel ???

  5. Haris Ali says

    It’s an ugly truth that our media rarely promotes our own (Pakistani) MUSIC

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