Video: This is how it looks to drive on Karakoram Highway

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Traveling via roads on your 4×4 is an adventure because air-travel might have reduced time spent in reaching destinations but they are very boring so instead buy a good 4×4 and began your journey and embrace freedom as any site you see on the road is accessible.

4×4 Engaged’s member and guru of off-roading and adventure, JanJ did what he does best. He took off on a journey to (Bualtar)Hopar Glacier which is active and has life above it and the road which leads to it is the Karakoram Highway, once called as “The glaciated mother of every epic drive by Jalopnik.

One should always document in the form of videos or photographs when you go on such epic road-trips and share them with the rest of the enthusiasts as very few people get the chance to go to such places where you are refreshed as if a jolt hit you and you just shattered only to be resurrected with a new peaceful soul.

Enjoy the video which JanJ dedicates to all the Dads in the world.

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