Government servants will now have to pay for their cars

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The government has finally taken a step which will diminish if not finish the exploitation of cars financed by the tax payers to be provided to Pakistani government servants as a facility however, these cars are always seen to be exploited in use and help eradicate this exploitation, government has announced “compulsory monetization of transport facility to civil servants”, where civil servants will have to pay for their cars.

The new system is part of a change in policy, brought about by austerity measures approved in the federal budget for 2011-12. Misuse of official vehicles has been a high-profile cause for those looking to cut costs.

From January 1, 2012, the officials will have to pay for their petrol, maintenance, repairs, insurance, transfer fees and all duties and taxes on their vehicles, in addition to paying installments.

Civil servants from level BS-20 to BS-22 will be given the first option of buying the cars they currently use. All transfer fees/ duties etc will be borne by the officers themselves. Moreover, No green number plates will be allowed for the vehicles purchased by the officers in BS-20 to BS-22.

Ministries/ Division & Departments will maintain a minimum Pool of vehicles for protocol/ operational duties, which shall be determined, keeping in view its strength and functions.The vehicles, which become surplus due to enforcement of this Policy, shall be surrendered to the Cabinet Division’s Central Pool of Cars for further disposal as per Governments rules/ procedure.

If the civil servants wish to keep their drivers, Rs10,000 will be cut from their salaries every month. No new recruitment of drivers will be made until the drivers rendered surplus are provided with work elsewhere.

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  1. Khalid Malhi says

    These Baboos have ruined our beloved land,blood suckers are always finding ways and means to mint money,what the hell they will be paid 65000/= monthly that means 7,80,000 per year are we so rich,then why our poor people unable to feed their children.The daily wages of a labourer 300-400/= 12000/month=1,44,000 per year. They should be ashamed over such misuse of public money,making fool of everybody is their hallmark.If you want any development in this country of ours just cut their powers of policy making and answerable only to the phsical people of Pakistan.

  2. Sharjil Mukhtar says


  3. Bashir Khattak says

    The above article says "date is From January 1, 2012". Now it is 2014 but no such order is there in any department. What is the latest?

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