Motorway Police- ‘Travel Safe With An Anti-Sleep Device’

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The Pakistan motorway police department introduces an anti-sleep device to reduce the rate of accidents caused by drivers falling asleep on the road. it will help prevent the catastrophes of road accidents and save hundreds of lives.

Every Pakistani driver has fallen asleep at least once in their life. Pretty sure, you have too. It’s natural for a driver to doze off in the middle of the road, especially at night. The dilemma is that fatigued and sleepy drivers often get themselves into accidents. They end up risking their lives and the lives of other people driving on the road. To avoid such accidents, our National Highways & Motorway Police has come up with a unique solution. An anti-sleep device for motorway drivers.

Anti-Sleep Device

It’s a piece of alarming device that you wear on your ears. The machine sets off the alarm every time it senses your head tilting forward due to drowsiness. Consequently, you hear a loud beep in your ear whenever you are dozing off on the road. This anti-sleep device is perfect for all sleepyhead drivers and passengers to help them get back to their senses, so they drive safe.

Motorway police have encouraged all drivers to get this anti-sleep device by demonstrating its use in a video. The actual price of the device is Rs. 750. However, to make sure it serves its purpose and most people buy this, the motorway police department will make it available for Rs.300 for the public. That’s even better news.

It’s not just the device. The motorway police is planning to go full circle with this effort of reducing the rate of motorway accidents. They will coordinate with local administrations and traders associations. Together, they will set up roadside stalls to sell the device in all areas.

We appreciate the motorway police for taking this rational step towards the safety of people driving on the roads of Pakistan. Hope every one of us feels responsible and takes part in this positive action. 

Stay safe and keep on driving!

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