Tesla to Deliver First 30 Model 3s this Month

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Since, last year, after the initial beta unveiling of Tesla’s most affordable sedan, analysts have far and wide attributed Model 3 to the fate of Tesla in the years ahead. Responsible for the seemingly absurd $50billion market valuation of the company, a lot rests on Model 3’s shoulders both regarding buyer and investor perception.
Credits ─ Teslarati
Credits ─ Teslarati

While, the investors were skeptic about the deadlines set by the company concerning Model 3, thankfully for Tesla, the car received an earlier than expected, clean chit from the regulatory departments, signaling a green flag for the production of the brand’s first car for the common man.


Musk tweets Model 3 productionOwing to the early regulatory approval, Elon Musk resorting to his habit detailed the initial production plans of the Model 3 through his official Twitter handle.
 Musk tweets Model 3 production
Along with expressing his gratitude to all those who drove one of the initial iterations of Tesla cars, Elon revealed that the company could achieve monthly production figures of Model 3 in and around 20,000 by the end of this year. A number that was instantly criticized by industry critiques on being overly inflated for a company that barely manages to produce around 25,000 vehicles every quarter.
Credits - Electrek
Credits – Electrek
Musk, made full use of the opportunity to announce the handover party for the first 30 customers on the 28th of July. He further added that the first ‘built-for-the-market’ Model 3 aka SN1 would roll out on Friday.
 Tesla Model 3 Interior
Keeping up with the promise, Tesla did roll out Model 3 SN1 on Friday, photos of which were uploaded by Musk himself to his Instagram and Twitter handles on Saturday. In addition to the photos that were tweeted of the road bound Model 3, here is a video that shows the car in all its glory.
Despite the fact that the first production-spec Model 3 is now quintessentially on the road, while only time will spell the trajectory of Model 3’s production, the timely start of production is a positive takeaway.
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