You Can Import A Japanese Car Yourself In Pakistan By Following This Step-by-Step Procedure

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Have you ever thought of importing a Japanese car yourself? Have you ever wondered how people import cars themselves in a hassle free way? Well, it’s not that difficult. Let me answer all your ambiguities on how you can import a Japanese car yourself. A step by step procedure with screenshots will help you understand the subject in a better way.

You must have heard that cars are brought into auction houses for auction and then exported from Japan. Auctions are open to everyone who wishes to participate in placing an appropriate bid. There are several car import companies that give you free access to live auctions in auction houses. Some auction houses have their own websites as well. But it’s better to be associated with one of the companies if you haven’t been in this business before.

What you need to do is to sign up with one of the car importing companies by entering your alias and contact details. Once you have signed up, you will see a page similar to the one shown below:


Select one the car brands available for the auction. I selected Daihatsu:


Here I see a list of Daihatsu cars available for auctions. Let’s say I’ll go with Daihatsu Mira E S.

Mira ES

Here you will see a list of Mira E S to be auctioned on a particular date. You will see the name of auction house below the date in the third column from the left. Clicking on one of the enlisted cars opens a new page for car pictures and auction sheet. For the better elaboration of auction sheet, you can refer to our article (Japanese Car Auction Sheet Explained). The topmost column also shows the minimum and maximum bid in JPY (Japanese Yen) that has been placed till now.

If you are seriously interested in importing a car yourself, you will have to deposit an initial payment of approx. 1000 USD (the initial deposit may vary from company to company) in the company’s account. This initial deposit is completely refundable if you are not able to win the auction. Once you have deposited the money, you can bid on any of the available cars just with a click. The text box above the auction sheet allows you to enter your desired bit.

Sales Statistics directs you to a graphical analysis of average prices for the recently auctioned cars.

In the graphical analysis below, you will see the list of auctioned cars with their starting and winning bid price.
Once you place a bid for any car, you are notified with the auction results by the company on the auction date. If your bid wins the auction, your import car company asks you to deposit the difference of winning price and initial deposit along with C&F (Cost and Freight) depending on the winning bid price. Generally, if your winning bid price is up to 1 million JPY, the C&F charges are around 100,000 JPY.

After confirmation of deposits, the company sends original documents via courier before the shipment proceeds. These documents include:

  •  Original Invoice
  •  Original Export certificate in Japanese
  •  Translated Export certificate in English
  •  Two copies of original B/L (Bill of lading)

The car reaches KPT (Karachi port trust) in about 15 days. There might be a delay caused by extreme weather conditions otherwise the shipment takes up to 15 days. Now you need to hire a customs agent who handles the entire process of customs clearance, passport fees and port charges.

We hope you found the information presented in this article useful. In our next article, I will try to explain the merits and demerits of importing a car yourself in detail.


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  1. KaKa says

    Fantastic piece of article. I have a question: Can bikes be also imported from Japan the same way like this? What’s government’s take on this and if its manageable then how can this be done?

  2. srmklive says

    Fantastic article Shaf. I already have a Suzuki Mehran. But i am interested in buying a new car. But cant decide between a locally manufactured one or Japanese imported. What should i do?

  3. srmklive says

    Shaf can you provide a list of car importing companies through which one can register.

  4. Ahsan Zafar says

    if i have bought a car worth 9 lac from japan so after hiring agent and all that clearance what i have to pay except 9 lacs please and please give me contact of custom agent. please answer

  5. Shaf Younus says

    What’s your final budget?

  6. Shaf Younus says

    You will find a detailed answer to your question in my next article. Stay Tuned. 🙂

  7. Zaeem Akhtar says

    Same story as him and my budget is around 6.5 lacs.

  8. Osman73 says

    very informative and helpful. Can you please also give an approximate duties idea w.r.t the cost and engine capacity of car and names of some reputed car importing companies?

  9. SMSabir says

    Assalam o Alaikum Shaf Younus,
    I really like your article and honestly I appreciate your guidance in this. I am Mustafa from Peshawar and interested in importing 1 or 2 cars purely for sale purpose. Previously I tried contacting a number of importers and all gave me some tough times and bad guidance though Allah saved me from losses though felt really disappointed. So yeh found your article very helpful and also waiting for your next article about custom duties etc.
    Just one quick question – you posted screen captured images in your article, is it some website? if yes then would you like to share that website?

  10. Waqar Ahmed Shaikh says

    Good article & pretty useful indeed 🙂 Although not that simple but still it all looks easy until the car reaches Pakistan, my personal fear lies in getting your car cleared from CUSTOM, due to their well know reputation in Pakistan 🙂 Please do come up with that as well, and guide us on how we can save ourselves from paying bribe or extra amount to custom agent. Thanks.

  11. srmklive says

    @shafyounus:disqus My budget is around 1 to 1.2 Million

  12. Ahsan Zafar says

    hope so

  13. Muhammad Yasir says

    tell me ALL about the costs that are incurred in EACH AND EVERY step along the Customs clearance.
    how much do i have to pay to agent ?
    what do i require to show the customs to clear my car?
    is there an easy fix , to getting around the GODDAMNED customs bad mannered treatment ?

    all these details are MUCH needed !

    just cost of Car is not enough ! we need to know WHOLE procedure about dealing with the evil customs dept too !

  14. Shaf Younus says

    Go for Toyota Passo. You won’t regret your decision.!

  15. abid says

    dear shaf younus, or any of the friends in blog, can you share these auction websites

  16. Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain says

    get some money on loan and make it 1 to 1.2 million and go for passo 😉

  17. Rafay says

    Kamran Ahmed
    contact him with my reference

  18. Rafay says

    you can also purchase imported Vitz 2012 model
    But cant import 2013 in this budget

  19. Shaf Younus says

    Its ‘ICM Japan’

  20. Zaeem Akhtar says

    What is your opinion about Daihatsu Mira?

  21. Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain says

    it’s good but fr me i will rate mira 3 and passo 5.. all depends on budget..any japanese with spare parts availability..go for it

  22. Omair Syed says

    I was interested in a landcruiser a few months back, i went to a dealer behind mcb in blue area and he said that he charges 1500$ for clearing the vehicle..i hope that helps

  23. junaid javed says

    very nice article bro shaf younus the process you explained is most of people know its simple 😛 in kinda of way the problem lies with the CUSTOMS how to hire the agent how to trust that and how to clear the vehicle from port

    one thing bro i am from peshawar i want to import a very clean car for my personal use i dont know any agent in CUSTOMS and in karachi so what will i ill do waiting for your next article thnaks 🙂

  24. Muhammad Yasir says

    thanks 🙂

  25. Qaiser says

    I can help u with the car import. Call at 03009275852

  26. Qaiser says

    Mr SM Sabir if u need help in importing cars feel free to contact at 03009275852

  27. Qaiser says

    Dear waqar if u need help in this regard please feel free to contact at 03009275852

  28. Qaiser says

    Dear Osman, if u need any help regarding car imports don’t hesitate call at 03009275852

  29. Pakistani says

    is this really stupid person as name refers or some blind ignorant person?

  30. Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain says

    way better than you idiot.

  31. Qazi Qasim says

    can you please post authentic sites on which we could trust on behalf of you.

  32. Ijaz Ahmad says

    BE AWARE: Good article but missed out on informing Pakistani buyers that only upto 3 years old models under used cars are allowed for import in Pakistan.

  33. Muhammad R. Abdullah says

    Worth-reading. 🙂

  34. Jasmine says

    worth reading and have some basic information. it would be much better to update the article with more a-z information like what is current import custom charges, and we can not import a car more than 3 years old, what are the charges to clear the car at port etc.

  35. Muhammad Ahmad Habib Qureshi says

    @shafyounus:disqus (y)
    Nice Article mate 🙂

  36. XPlaneUser says

    Shaf, good job! Thanks. But you should have given contacts of a few car importing companies, no?

  37. Shahnawaz Khan says

    Dear brothers what and who do you think can be dead honest agent who charges professional fee in getting car clearance from customs. I do have few reputed companies engage in import/export and auctioneers operating from japan. I have to meet somebody who knows the fair knowledge to get customs on import car, van and may be parts from Pakistan customs. drop me mail with telephonic number so that we can discuss the possible line of action. regards…

  38. hamza says

    please tell me website

  39. Obaid Siddiqui says

    Well, am working in Oman for over 5 years now is it possible to get my car which I own here to Pakistan

  40. Syed Zillay Ali says

    One thing missing, what are the custom duties and taxes to be paid upon such an import of vehicle?

  41. Syed Murtaza Hussain Kazmi says

    You have not mentioned or given any sample valid websites links which do the auction.

  42. Zaheer Ahmed says

    I live in Qatar for last 5 years and want to import one car 1800 cc through gift scheme or transfer of residence to Pakistan . If any one can guide and help me please
    Zander Ahmed

  43. Anas Khan says

    can i have your email address.

  44. ishfaq anwar says

    Anyone who is doing same business. i m ready to do internship with him can contact me on my email address: [email protected]

  45. guest says

    how to transfer money to japan ? since car importers use illegal means, else there are a lot of taxes imposed on money transfer. Which websites are trusted and which are fake? Your article is not well written and lacks major information………………. i know you will remove my comment

  46. Muhammad Khalid Khan says

    Was any reply received to quiry. Can it be shared with me

  47. Muhammad Yasir says


    no one was kind enough :/

  48. Sami Alam says

    what is the cost of shipment and what are C&F charges ?

  49. Sami Alam says

    dont u need a import license to import a vehicle??

  50. ahmed waqas says

    Dear Younus How a Pakistani national can import a car if he is not entitled under gift scheme , personal baggage (mean must have a foreign visit . right ?) and transfer of residence schemes.

  51. Zain Raza says

    i love the answer 😀

  52. haseeb khan says

    I want to import a Mitsubishi intercooler………budget is around 1million to 1.4 million… can we judge we condition of the vehicle??

  53. Ahmed Ali Shah says

    I wish to import Vitz to Pakistan. How can I do it?

  54. Rao Aamir says

    Solid punch on Pakistani !! Good One Brother !!!

  55. Asma Ikhtiar says

    No not for one car.

  56. Adnan says

    Shaf Younus can you please tell me that web site on which you are using for import Japanese cars ?

  57. ali says

    whats the name of the company from which can participate in auction. you missed that in your article.

  58. Intikhab Ali says

    Hello Shaf, thanks, are there any other charges apart from C & F charges, like auction / bidding company commission etc.. will be really greatful if someone can please eloberat further, JAZAKALLAH

  59. Muhammed Ghous Khan says

    some one told me, new notification, car only can import by passport,
    which passport government need.
    Japaneses exporter passport
    foreigner passport issued to Pakistani any country.
    or what.

  60. Razi Khan says

    Thanks for sharing and explaining the “Buy car via auction” while we need to know the rules&regulations in Pakistan KPT and approx charges of clearance/registration ets. how long required to clear from KPT with registration and, Is the car will be in same condition once cleared ?

  61. Muzzammil Thakur says

    What about from the UK, particularly hybrid cars?

  62. Bashir Royal says

    AA Respected Friends,
    I am interested in importing a used car from japan….

    ur requested to guide/assist me please


    Muhammad Bashir Bhorvi
    Govt High School # 1,
    Nowshera Virkan District Gujranwala
    [email protected]
    whatsapp # 0346 6186790

  63. Rehan Khan says

    I have uploaded small sheet which helps to calculate C&F.
    I live in london soon I will send Mercedes to Pakistan, hope all goes well.

  64. Rehan Khan says

    If anyone wants car from UK can contact me, I will charge only 10% on total cost, customer clearance will be your responsibility, I just take responsible to buy the right car and ship for you,
    Contact WhatsApp: 0044-7403163048

  65. Muhammad Shahbaz Younas Chisht says


    respected admin please let us know how old car we can import from Japan to Pakistan? Including suzuki every etc.

  66. Umair Sheikh says

    Sir I have A car fielder 1300 cc 2002 model now in pakistan how much custom or other charges

  67. Abdul Waheed says

    sir, i am disable person and got duty free car import letter from ministry of commerce Islamabad . i am interested to import car hybrid auto transmission upto 1000cc. Can any one suggested me best option in hybrid cars and also can i import car my self.
    i need little bit modification /gadget fitted car being right leg amputee i.e acclerator shift left side.
    i am seeking help in this regards.

  68. Muhammad Jamal says

    Direct Japan Auction BID facility available !!!
    Advance only 20000 Rs
    Rest of full payment when Car arrived in Pakistan !!

    Assalam Alikom

    Sir this is Jamal from Karachi
    WE have account in Japan Auction house !
    we can import you cars from there
    just infrom us lot number and auction house details we will BID for you ,
    if BID is success we will import the car to Pakistan and take full payment when its arrived !

    Advance payment only 20000 Rs

    PLease only serious buyers
    no foolish guys !!!



  69. Muhammad Jamal says

    Direct Japan Auction BID facility available !!!
    Advance only 20000 Rs
    Rest of full payment when Car arrived in Pakistan !!

    Assalam Alikom

    Sir this is Jamal from Karachi
    WE have account in Japan Auction house !
    we can import you cars from there
    just infrom us lot number and auction house details we will BID for you ,
    if BID is success we will import the car to Pakistan and take full payment when its arrived !

    Advance payment only 20000 Rs

    Our commission 1.5%

    PLease only serious buyers
    no foolish guys !!!



  70. Adil Khan says

    AOA, whats the situation of car import now adays?

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