2016 Honda Civic Launch Expected To Be In September Next Year

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Know why people were so on top of their seats before the launch of the Honda Civic? Because the last one sucked quite bad and to be honest, we’re all a fan of the Civic. Till the ’99-00 Civic, it was the BMW M for the middle-class people but since the Sixth-generation, we thought of ways Honda could go back to be awesome just like before because the following three generations: 7, 8 and 9 were mediocre at best and thus, Honda lost considerable market to Toyota that allowed them to capture the market with Corolla’s sporty variant, the Corolla Altis.

However, the new Civic is here, and personally, and this is a personal opinion, it looks fantastic. The tenth generation Honda Civic and Honda enthusiasts around the world couldn’t be more happier with what Honda has accomplished with the 10th generation Civic, and so far, most of the people are quite pleased to what they saw; as a new chapter in Civic’s history.

First, the name:

So first things first! We don’t call it by some stupid name such as Honda Civic Reborn, or Honda Civic ‘Chapti’, or Honda Civic ‘Bagair Diggi Waali’, let’s make sure we call it something more dignified, let’s call it ‘Civic X‘ where in X would signify tenth generation.

The big question now: When is it going to be launched in Pakistan?

Honda Atlas, in fact all the automakers are tight lipped on their future products but with using historical dates and numbers, we, the humans are able to make a prediction for the future. That’s how we come to know that there are four seasons, by recognizing patterns. Other than our well placed sources in these companies, the last two generations, the Reborn Civic (8th Gen) and the crap Civic (9th gen) were introduced a year late to the global public unveil.


For example, the 8th generation Honda Civic, known as Honda Civic Reborn was introduced in January of 2005 to the public, it then went on sale later that year around May or June as a 2006 model. What’s to note here is that once the car is introduced to the world, Honda then sets different launch dates for different countries so our number came in September 2006, when it was officially introduced and simultaneously available to public in Pakistan.

2012 Honda Civic

The current 9th generation, which the Honda Civic 2016 will replace, was introduced to the public in January 2011, similarly, it went on sale a couple of month later in April 2011 while Pakistan got it an year later in September 2012. So we run an year or so late to the US and mostly get the new model in September.

However, this time, tenth generation Honda Civic wasn’t introduced to the world in early 2016 but, the US pricing for the new Civic will be available in October 2015 and sales will start by the end of Fall 2015.

Given the fact that Honda Atlas’ Civic sales has been abysmal in Pakistan, the late global launch of Civic won’t be a concerning factor and Honda Atlas may introduce the Civic in September 2016. But what’s confirmed is that Honda Atlas needs this Civic more than we do frankly.

Additional reporting by Hassaan Ahmed

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  1. Ahsan says

    Hi Baber.

    Thanks for the update. Any information about launch of next generation City in Pakistan ?
    Some people are saying 2017 ?. Is this correct ?

  2. Baber says

    Yeah, what we know is that Honda Atlas is too cash strapped to bring both of them. Honda City is their cash cow these days and they want Civic back on the top of the game. You can read in detail here.

  3. Ghayyour says

    Totally wrong information! This Civic will be launched in Pakistan in or before March 2016 – Confirmed and Bet!. Don’t misguide people on behalf of Atlas!

  4. Fahad Limbada says

    I wouldn’t say you are wrong here, but lets just take a deep look inside. Honda’s market here in Pakistan is dead. Nobody is buying honda civic anymore now. Corolla has taken its place(becasue of the design i’m guessing). Maybe honda could launch the 10th generation civic in pakistan early next year. Honda wants to get its market back on track. I’m sure they miss us desperately. Anyways, whatever happens, i’m still buying this car. No matter how long it takes for them to bring it here. Hoping for the best.

  5. MySchizoBuddy says

    I had no idea you could talk to Gabriel. A.S. Please get some more information from him

  6. Ghayyour says

    Ha ha… seems like you have invested in 9th Gen or could
    have any connection with Atlas. Kidding.

    Obviously if Honda Atlas officially announce an early
    date no one will even think to buy existing model which would create double
    impact on Atlas. One attack by Toyota and second people can wait for better for
    couple of months.

  7. Alpha says

    From the looks of Civic showing in picture above, Civic Reborn looks Shit and the 9th Gen Looks fine..So Babar Khan If you can’t afford newer model then don’t praise that Crap Reborn which you might be driving. If you wanna praise you crap car then do it in Giddubandar not on formal websites and discussion forums. And by the way, the pic of Latest Civil 2016,its the most ugliest of all.

  8. Baber says

    Frankly, I can’t even afford a motorcycle. I don’t know what you’re talking about. So hey! kaljhsdklfhjklahsdfhlkadjshfklahdlkfhalksdh. Yeah, back at you babe.

  9. Baber says

    You’re right, but remember, Civic Reborn had a lot of stock left to sell when Honda Atlas brought the 9th gen out in the show room floor. So, similar thing can happen, they might reduce the price of the 9th to sell out the stock and then bring the Civic X. It all depends on the price, Corolla had the XLi and Gli volume models which are available under 2 million, Civic, I think won’t be.

  10. Salar Ahmed says

    The grammatical errors in this article are cringe worthy. Please get someone competent to proof read your articles before posting them online.

  11. deltree says

    Thank God someone puts it as it is, the last most beautiful civic was the 6th Generation and nothing after it has given children wet dreams like that last one had. I doubt there is a car on earth with larger rear lights than that and was it bold for it’s time man!

  12. GUEST says

    It’s ok english is not our mother tongue. Be proud of what they did instead of pointing out others mistakes. Typical looser’s attitude.

  13. Rayaan says

    what a dumb reply by guest. This is a formal website where information and grammer should be as precise as possible. You are infact a loser and dumb also

  14. Atif says

    This could have been said in a more decent tone.

  15. Liberator says

    Cringeworthy* and proofread* 🙂 Stop being a grammar Nazi my friend.

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