Toyota Indus “FORCED” To Revise The Prices of Selected Corolla Variants

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Since the official launch of the 11th Gen Toyota Corolla in Pakistan, we have seen multiple price hikes. From which two of them were due to the facelift when Toyota introduced new features in the car. However, this time around the price hike is due to some external factors which Toyota Indus has no control over.

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The increase in exchange rates results in an increase in prices of imported parts. Since we don’t completely make car parts, so this increase means that manufacturers have to buy the required parts for a higher price from its vendors. This in result adds up to the final price of the unit. Now with that said following variants will see a revised price effective from January 2018:

  • XLi Current Price: 17,59,000 New Price: 18,19,000
  • GLi Current Price: 18,89,000 New Price: 19,49,000
  • GLi A/T Current Price: 19,64,000 New Price: 20,24,000
  • 1.6 Altis Current Price: 21,49,000 New Price: 21,99,000

The prices of higher-end variants are to remain the same as before, and the reason remains unknown as of now. Though Suzuki and Honda Atlas have yet to announce any changes in price however the price hike comes as no surprise. But since cars have already gotten very expensive the new prices is indeed a sad news for future buyers.

Also Check Out: Corolla GLi for Sale

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  1. Junaid says

    Forced??? did some one put a gun to their heads. Its already over priced…

  2. Asad Mehboob says

    Now the higher end corolla model’s prices are also increased by Rs.50,000/-

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