Read And Find Out How To Online Verify Auction Sheet Of Your Imported Japanese Car

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Auction sheet verification has been a hot topic since cases of auction sheet fabrication started to surface in abundance. Car dealers tend to replicate auction sheets to hide the original condition of their cars to demand high selling price. In such cases, the verification of auction sheet becomes a necessary job. In my previous article in car import guide, I tried to explain what exactly auction grade on the auction sheet means. For a better understanding of auction sheet and auction sheet grades, you can refer to our articles i.e. “Japanese Car Auction Sheet Explained” and “Here Is What Your Japan Import Car’s Auction Sheet Grades Mean in Pakistan”. Let’s now get started with the process of auction sheet verification.

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First of all, you need to know that how auction sheets are verified. When a car comes to the auction house, all its necessary details like manufacturer, make and model, chassis number and lot number are recorded in the Japan servers for auctioned cars. To verify your auction sheet, all you need is the access to those servers through a some website, chassis number of the car and lot number (on the top left corner of your auction sheet) of the car. Let me show you how it is done.

There is a Russian website through which you can verify your auction sheet by entering the required details.

Enter this website and you will see a page as shown below:

This page is currently in the Russian language. Select ‘eng’ (English) from the top right corner of the page. Enter ‘arsenal’ in the name text field and ‘motors’ in the password text field and click sign-in.

You will be directed to a page shown below:


Select ‘Japanese Auto Auctions Sold Prices’ from the top bar. And the next page would ask you to fill in the required details.

Let’s say I select “DAIHATSU’ as maker with the model ‘Daihatsu Mira ES’. Select ‘All lots’ in the results text field and check all the check boxes as done in the screenshot below. Enter chassis number and bid number (LOT number) of the car. In case you don’t know the date of auction for your vehicle, select all months from January to December with the year as that of import year.

Click Search.

As this website is not very well maintained and accurate in making searches, there are good chances that you will find no result of your searches and a similar page will be displayed:

In that case, try entering some of the details while omitting the rest of them. Let’s enter the Bid number (lot number) and omit the chassis number for a moment. Now the search result displays two Daihatsu Mira cars of the same lot:

I’ll click the first one:

Here I click the auction sheet of the selected car. And here’s the original auction sheet that we were looking for:

It’s quite easy and simple. It is strongly recommended to request the auction sheet before a car from a car dealer for verification. Stay tuned for more useful information in the car import guide.


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  1. Rosh says

    Excellent information. well done.

  2. Dr. Zaidan Idrees says

    The login and password you have provided are not working. Kindly review.

  3. Abdul Basit Khwaja says

    Nice. Its one way to cross check. what other things should be considered before buying an imported vehicle?

  4. Shaf Younus says

    First select the language to ‘eng’ from the top right corner of the page. And then use ‘arsenal’ as name and ‘motors’ as password. Click Sign in..!

  5. Dr. Zaidan Idrees says

    Thank you.
    Apparently they only show cars which have been auctioned over the last three months. Nothing before that. Any way of getting that information?

  6. Mir Ahmad Mahmood says

    the above mentioned password is not working

  7. Saqib Abrar says

    I have followed these procedure…. getting following error

  8. Steve Johnson says

    username/password credentials do not work. Moreover, if you register on the site and search for the auction sheet, they don’t display the auction sheet. They only display a cut part of the sheet and ask you to pay certain amount of money to view the full auction sheet

  9. Syed Zaj says
  10. Bilal says

    Auction sheet is locked…paid service required to unlock the sheet.
    Whatsapp at 0345-8220096 for further details.
    Aqua 2014 model wine color

  11. Syed Zaj says

    Ok will contact you

  12. T- series09 says
  13. Bilal says

    Auction sheet is locked…paid service required to unlock the sheet.
    Whatsapp at 0345-8220096 for further details.
    Alto eco idle version

  14. T- series09 says

    Bro plz check auction sheet
    Chassis no HA35S-174730
    Make alto eco
    2014 white

  15. syed aleem says

    kindly Verify the Auction sheet for Mira 2014 blue
    Lot # 1356
    Chasis # LA300S0 – 1248382

  16. showtime sports fight 2017 says

    . To verify your auction sheet, all you need is the access to those servers through a some website, chassis number of the car and lot number (on the top left corner of your auction sheet) of the car. Let me show you how it is done.

  17. Ali says

    Verify Japanese Cars Auction sheet
    Whats app 0320-0222232

  18. Omar says

    If you want to get the original auction sheet from Japan (Model 2010 onwards any make) to confirm and verify original mileage and body condition, then whatsapp 0321-4495779 for further details.

  19. Ali says

    Verify Japanese cars Auction Sheets 03200222232

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